Anne of Green Gables

1 November 2014

Just finished watching Anne of Green Gables,  for the nth time..and it gets better everytime I watch it! This blog is long overdue. I am glad I am finally jotting it down.  So here it goes...

I have read the book and seen the movie. I believe this is one of those rare cases when the movie is as beautiful and expressive as the book.
I still remember the first time I saw the movie. I must have been 14 or 15 years old.  It was on "Hallmark" channel on a fine morning in Kathmandu. And something about the whole set up in Prince Edward Island inspried me that day. I saw life through Anne's eyes, got introduced to the old style of life, full of  eloquent speech and impeccable manners. It, in some ways, introduced  me to the beauty of prose and poems  and the beauty of imagination.

It's a story about an orphan girl who's adopted by a brother and sister. They raise her well and they live happily ever after. The story can be thought to be a common one (may be not so common for everyone) but what is it that makes the movie so special...?

This blog is an attempt to introduce the charm of Anne Shirley throught some quotes from Lucy Montgomery's "Anne of Green Gables"

{Marilla: "What is your name?"
Anne: "Will you please call me Cordelia?"
Marilla: "Call you Cordelia? Is that your name?"
Anne: Well, no .. it's not exacly my name.. but Oh..I would love to be called Cordelia.."
Marilla: "I don't understand what you mean"
Anne: "Cordelia is a perfectly elegant name"
Marilla: "What is your name child..? And no more nonsense..."
Anne: "Anne Shirley. Plain old unromantic Anne Shirley"
Marilla: "Ann Shirley is a fine sensible name and hardly one to be ashamed of."
Anne: "Oh, I am not ashamed of it. But if you are going to call me Anne, would you please be sure to spell it with an "e"?"
Marilla: "What difference does it make how it's spelt?"
Anne: "Makes a lot of difference.. Print out Ann and it looks absolutely dreadful but Ann with an "e" is quite distinguished. So if you only call me Ann with an "e", I'll try and reconcile myself to not being called Cordelia."
Marilla: "Very well then, Ann..with an "e" is it that you were brought and not a boy?".....}

{Anne Shirley: I know I chatter on far too much but if you only knew how many things I want to say and don't. Give me some credit.}

{Anne: "Why must people kneel down to pray? If I really wanted to pray I’ll tell you what I'd do. I'd go out into a great big field all alone or in the deep, deep woods and I'd look up into the sky—up—up—up—into that lovely blue sky that looks as if there was no end to its blueness. And then I'd just feel a prayer.}

{“Anne: "But have you ever noticed one encouraging thing about me, Marilla? I never make the same mistake twice".
Marilla: "I don't know as that's much benefit when you're always making new ones".}

{Mrs. Cadbury: Tell me, what you know about yourself.   
Anne Shirley: Well, it really isn't worth telling, Mrs. Cadbury but if you let me tell you what I imagine about myself you'd find it a lot more interesting.}

I wish I could list some more, but I'll leave some for you to have fun during the movie!

I am glad I still feel so passionately about the whole thing, some might call me obsessed (guilty!).
Enjoy the movie, get inspired. Live, laugh, love..


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