Anne of Green Gables

1 November 2014 Just finished watching Anne of Green Gables , for the nth time..and it gets better everytime I watch it! This blog is long overdue. I am glad I am finally jotting it down. So here it goes... I have read the book and seen the movie. I believe this is one of those rare cases when the movie is as beautiful and expressive as the book. I still remember the first time I saw the movie. I must have been 14 or 15 years old. It was on "Hallmark" channel on a fine morning in Kathmandu. And something about the whole set up in Prince Edward Island inspried me that day. I saw life through Anne's eyes, got introduced to the old style of life, full of eloquent speech and impeccable manners. It, in some ways, introduced me to the beauty of prose and poems and the beauty of imagination. It's a story about an orphan girl who's adopted by a brother and sister. They raise her well and they live happily ever after. The story can...